fluctuation|fluctuations in English


[fluc·tu·a·tion || ‚flʌktʃʊ'eɪʃn]

vacillation, instability, wavering, inconstancy, change

Use "fluctuation|fluctuations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fluctuation|fluctuations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fluctuation|fluctuations", or refer to the context using the word "fluctuation|fluctuations" in the English Dictionary.

1. It was still difficult to conclude its annual cyclical fluctuations Although the seasonal fluctuation of the vole was known.

2. Torque fluctuation absober

3. Prices are subject to fluctuation.

4. Instead of measuring the fluctuation of a single random variable, the Covariance measures the fluctuation of …

5. When the maximum reward value is found by DQN, Deep Sarsa and Anoa in the late-stage of exploration, the Anoa and DQN have a relatively stable fluctuation, while Deep Sarsa has violent fluctuations

6. • fluctuations in abstinence;

7. Inoculation processing enhances the concentration fluctuation. The sine theory of the fluctuation is improved according to the measured waveform.

8. The fluctuation changes from Acuteness to smoothness

9. There has been much price fluctuation recently.

10. Three characteristics were chosen, i.e. regularity of fluctuation, mean amplitude and level of fluctuation of the Na/K ratio.

11. An energy fluctuation in a utility-access corridor.

12. See also Variable Limit, Maximum Price Fluctuation.

13. These fluctuations dissipate with height.

14. Accounting for exchange rate fluctuations

15. Adiabatic and Temperature Fluctuations in Gas

16. So unless you can measure An aberrant quantum fluctuation...

17. Sometimes temporal fluctuation may take place inthe local velocity.

18. The fluctuation range of commodity market is getting larger.

19. 10 synonyms for Alternation: rotation, change, swing, variation, oscillation, fluctuation

20. No fluctuation and no angiomatous malformation was to be seen.

21. — fluctuation of market price levels for the landed fisheries products,

22. Waves of electromagnetic fluctuation in a vacuum seem unreal.

23. Less PSD allowance for exchange rate fluctuation and uncollectible accounts

24. Our sensors detect an energy fluctuation in the E-band.

25. Fluctuations in relative prices are no different than fluctuations in absolute prices – neither precludes price-to-price comparisons or adjustments.